Mar. 21 to Apr. 19
Looks like you’ve had a lot of dishonesty come your way this past month. Take your head out of your ass and walk away from whatever is causing you to feel like shit.

Apr. 20 to May 20
A project you have been working on didn’t turn out as you expected. Now you’re sinking into that session depression without looking at your success and accomplishments.

May 21 to June 21
You spent a lot of your time caring for the people close to you but that mid-semester burnout is hitting. Take some time for yourself and socialize in moderation.

June 22 to July 22
You got that spiritual glow about you that will lead to growth in your intellectual and personal life. But most likely a physical growth in your pants when you watch the new season of Too Hot To Handle.

Jul. 23 to Aug. 22
In the wise words of Selena Gomez, “Everything is not as it seems,” and that might be the case for some of the people in your life Not everyone shows their true colours until after they get what they want. You’re allowing someone or a situation to have power over you. Don’t do that.

Aug. 23 to Sept. 22
The cards spell out love, Virgo. Perhaps even an engagement in the upcoming future. Remember, you have the strength and self-control to say no, especially if it’s from that weird guy in your sociology class that picks his nose when he thinks no one is looking.

Sept. 23 to Oct. 23
Someone popped up in your life that you haven’t seen in a long time. Just because they’re back doesn’t mean it was for a good reason. But the cards are also pointing to a love match of the decade. You’ll be this year’s Tom-daya.

Oct. 23 to Nov. 21
Okay Scorpio, despite your intense passion for love, this month just ain’t it fam. The cards are telling me that some poor choices and rose tinted glasses are leading to some relationship issues. Protect your peace, babes.

Nov. 22 to Dec. 21
You have acquired some insight this past month and it’s time to put it to use. It seems like you’re holding onto it like it’s the last life raft on the Titanic. It’s time to let things go and you might just stumble into a romantic relationship.

Dec. 22 to Jan. 19
Keep your head in the game, Cap. You’re starting to let your emotions get in the way of your growth. Focusing on your goals will provide you with enough satisfaction.

Jan. 20 to Feb. 18
It might be time to take up meditation. You have to look inside yourself to figure out your true feelings on whatever situation has got your panties in a knot. Look inside your heart for the answer you so desperately seek.

Feb. 19 to Mar. 20
Some secrets may be coming to light this next month, Pisces. You have acquired level 100 knowledge on someone around you. Figure out the best way to use this information to benefit you but it will take willpower, focus, and maybe some light blackmail.