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Gearing up for bicycle commuting

Keeping your bike running is fairly simple. Bi-weekly chain lubrication and checks are essentially all that are needed to keep a bike in working order, but there are some essential items you should pick up in order to make your ride better. Tires If your tires have...

Bicycle commuting 101

My journey began at 7:30 a.m. with a gust of wind directly to the face as I cruised down Connors Hill on my two-wheeler. It’s amazing how easily the frigid air instantly wakes you up. After cutting through a trail by the Muttart Conservatory, followed by a grassy...

A way of life

Your alarm goes off for the third time. You're officially running late. You hurry through your morning routine, cursing the snooze button and cramming your face full of toast as you dress. You don't know when the bus will come, but it will either be early or late....