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Club Q+A: InQueeries

What is the history of the club? Mitchell Norenberg: It’s actually one of the oldest clubs at MacEwan. It kind of morphed out of the Open Doors Club, which itself was formed in 2000, and then around 2010 it was somehow morphed into InQueeries. We are the campus’...

Club Q+A: MacEwan Human Resources

How long has the club been around? Brianna Madron: We’re MHRC right now, the MacEwan Human Resources Club. We used to be called HRMSS (Human Resources Management Student Society), and that started I believe five years ago-ish. Then we rebranded to MHRC around two...

Club Q+A: MacEwan ASL

American Sign Language (ASL) serves as the predominant language used in the deaf community in North America. Within Canada, the two main sign languages are ASL and Langue des signes québécoise (LSQ), used in Quebec. ASL in Canada also differs regionally. With a few...

Club Q+A: The Leguminadi

What are the Leguminadi all about? The Leguminadi is a social club at MacEwan University. We are focused towards creating a welcoming atmosphere for those who are vegan, vegetarian, or those who want to engage in a plant-based lifestyle. We try to provide...

Club Q+A: Idea and Social Club

What is the Idea and Social Club and what do you do? Keith Sabine: We’re a club that wants to bring people from all different disciplines together to talk about ideas and be social. Every couple of weeks we have an informal table talk that’s open to anyone to come....

Club Q+A: Hip Hop Club

When did you decide to begin a hip hop club at MacEwan? Quinton Wong: The club was started in 2015, so two years ago. The club was only 24 people to start with, but it doubled last year. It gathered a lot of interest over the summer, and we hope to have more...

Club Q & A: Poetics Club

There are two listed poetry clubs on SAMU’s club directory. What makes your club unique? We basically, as two different clubs, decided that we were going after different goals, so the other poetry club, I believe, focuses more on community and spoken word, whereas...

Club Q&A Series: History Club

What is the History Club? Predominately, we’re a club of history students. We do peer and academic support. Really, we just came together as a study group and then later we thought, ‘Why not organize it so we can host events and things like that as well?’ Now, we...