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How-to: compost

As spring approaches so does the feeling of being greener, or in this case, muddier. Composting is the simplest and the most useful way to reduce household waste, and the resulting soil conditioner will add nutrients to your plants. A good compost has the perfect...

How-To: Spring clean

It’s hard to believe that winter is almost over when you live in a city where it snows for over half the year. Warmer temperatures, blooming flowers, and chirping birds are right around the corner and yet for most of us, things still feel like they’re...


For most students, by the time February comes around, we aren’t really worried about looking our best. It’s midterm season, baby! Time for the iconic MacEwan University hoodie, sweatpants or leggings, and a pair of grungey Converse sneakers. And that’s fair enough...

How-to: Meditate

As modern humans, our days are overloaded with stimulation. Notifications vibrating our pockets every couple minutes, Facebook updating us on the relationship statuses of ex-partners, constant updates on the news of war and gore. How are we supposed to catch a...

How-to: Do Valentine’s Day on a budget

Worried that you won’t have the funds to give your partner a Valentine’s Day to remember? Well worry no more! Diamonds and a five-star meal are not a necessity for a meaningful Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day is about love and expressing how much you care about...

How-to: Work out in your living room

It is the new year and many of us have made resolutions. One of the most common resolutions people make year after year is to get in shape or start working out more. But if you hate the gym and love Netflix, this can seem an impossible task to maintain. Until now,...

How-to: Stop sleeping in

October is here and the Fall semester is in full swing. We’re all feeling pretty comfortable about where we sit in the semester — finals are months away, you’ve figured out your schedule, and the stress of midterms has yet to sink in. Easing into the semester can...

How-to: Get back into the groove

Getting into the groove of a new school year can be tough. It seems like the last semester ended yesterday, and summer jobs seldom leave time to relax and recuperate from the stress of final projects, essays, and exams. While you can’t get back the sunny summer...

How-to: Write a cover letter

As classes finish up, you may find yourself scrambling to find a suitable summer job that pays well, gives you plenty of time off for music festivals, and is hopefully at least mildly interesting. Applying for jobs can be a tricky process, and it’s made worse when...

How-to: Bullet journal

The bullet journal is an organization system that can be customized to meet anyone’s personal planning needs. The method was first created by digital designer Ryder Carroll, who calls it “rapid logging.” “Note-taking and traditional journaling take time; the more...

How-to: File your taxes

Prepare yourself for the experience of being a true adult: after you read this article, you will be able to confidently file your own taxes. According to the Government of Canada’s website, here are the steps for correctly filing your taxes. Note that these...