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Reviewing MacEwan’s mental health app

My (very brief) experience with Headversity It’s that time of year again. The new year has begun, and so has the winter term. During this time, many students reflect and vow to change themselves in one way or another. For some, this comes in the form of improving...

A grant goes down and then glows up

In the fall semester, for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic, the $5,000 Student Community Engagement Grant (SCEG) wasn’t available to students. Transitions, departures, and shuffles in MacEwan’s administration left the role of grant facilitator empty,...

OPINION: Where IS Griff Nation?

MacEwan’s student body proudly displays the Griffin's name across their chests, but where is the support on game day? That Griffins tackle sweatshirt everyone on campus wears is $55. Do you know how many Griffins games you could go to for that money? All of them....

Consultations end and tuition is going up

Continued increases in tuition leaves SAMU unsatisfied The chips are down, the talks are over, and tuition is going up – again. After consultations between SAMU and MacEwan, the board of governors approved a domestic and international tuition hike of 2 per cent for...

SAMU’s Battle of the Bands

Misfortune Tellers will be opening Fall Fest 2024 On Jan. 5th, Misfortune Tellers, paro!, Delta 88, Lewd Antics, and Trireme fought to the death for the opening slot of Fall Fest 2024. Just kidding!It wasn’t to the death — just a little friendly competition. ...

Civic Youth Fellowship

How Edmonton is shaping tomorrow by investing in today’s youth Many students struggle to find work after graduating due to a lack of experience and connections in their chosen industry.  It’s rare for students to work a job during their studies that is related...

Encampment sweeps: A cruel reality

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the following: you have fallen on hard times and have now lost everything — your job, education, housing, and your family and friend’s support. Where and who do you turn to? Perhaps a homeless shelter for the night or a...

A chat with the ladies from Room 6-213

An honest conversation about Black History Month, intentional student connection, and taking up space On MacEwan’s second floor of Building Six lives the Office of Human Rights, Equity, and Inclusion (OHREI), which works with the rest of the university to build a...

Houselessness is our problem

Reigniting our empathy in the face of winter It’s Jan. 20, 2024. As the winter gets frostier by the day, I can't help but think about one of our most vulnerable populations. Standing outside for 10 minutes waiting for the bus feels like an eternity. Wind strips...

OPINION: Snapchat or the school?

Are we abusing a good thing? Or does Snapchat just suck? For the longest time, school and multimedia messaging were completely separate. People could go to school as one person, only to become a completely different person once they no longer had a reason for...