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To degree or not to degree

The bachelor’s degree may be dead, but your skills and experiences are immortal MacEwan’s towers aren’t ivory — even from far away, you can tell they’re built with concrete and rebar. But, they’re the first things people notice about the school, even before they...

The Big Band

Marty Majorowicz stepping into new shoes as this year’s Big Band director Since the 70s, MacEwan’s musically-inclined students have played in a “Big Band.” A Big Band is an ensemble of musicians arranged into four sections. These sections include saxophonists,...

Aajah in Amsterdam

The ups, downs, and beautiful epiphanies of my experience studying abroad in the Netherlands  I recall the exact moment when I decided that I wanted to study abroad. It was in my second year after speaking with an old classmate about his experience studying in...

Sun, sand, and root canals

Last September, Ryan Bloemen, a young adult from Edmonton, attended the first of three dental appointments for replacement fillings and persistent cavities. Ryan, like many young adults, had inconsistent dental work since he had turned 18 due to a lack of time and...

The Hybridization of MacEwan Classes

On Oct. 19,  Annette Trimbee, the president and vice-chancellor of MacEwan University addressed the importance of place in MacEwan’s future. During the address, Trimbee was asked about how MacEwan plans to deal with increased space constraints on campus in...

The kids across the street: MC College

What is MC College? You’ve probably seen MC College. It’s the tall, glass tower across from building six at MacEwan. Its students are elusive, but you’ve likely seen them walking around through their glass windows or hitting their vapes on the building’s stoop. You...

How accessible is ADR?

A look into how MacEwan’s ADR department supports students Accessible education is a guaranteed right under the Canadian Constitution.  Many pieces of Canadian legislation help provide post-secondary students with accessible education — the most important...