MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

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2023-2024 SAMU Election results

After 1333 students out of a possible 15,548 eligible voters (8.6 per cent) cast their digital ballots, the results are in. Every candidate who ran this year will have a seat on the Students’ Council. The percentage of voters has increased by 32.3 per cent compared...

“People in Canada can’t see this content”

“People in Canada can’t see this content” is one of the most seen phrases on social media these past few weeks. So, let’s back up and explain what this means. In June of 2023, Canada’s Government passed Bill C-18, or the Online News Act — a law that aims to give...

SAMU Benefits Opt Out Deadline on Thursday

Students at MacEwan University can opt out of benefits plans online and receive reimbursements on their payments until Thursday, Sept. 29.  Benefits for health, dental, and legal expenses are available to part-time and full-time students by the Students’...

Gotta go fast, gotta get cash

When I first heard there was going to be a film adaptation for Sonic the Hedgehog, a video game series long past its prime, I questioned the choice. Have we learned nothing from the checkered past of video game adaptations? From the catastrophic misfire that was...

From Alberta to Alberta

Despite sharing their name with the international organization, Goodwill Industries of Alberta (GIA) is born and bred Albertan, with a mission to help and support the province. Approximately 89 per cent of the income or 88.7 cents of every dollar goes towards...