MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Bend to the beat

Stand still like a mountain at the top of your mat. As you breathe in, sweep your arms above your head, then breathe out and fold forward. With your hands on the ground, step or hop back to plank position. Lower your body to the mat, then press up into...

Stretch it out

Between going to class, writing essays, and watching Netflix, students spend a lot of time sitting down. Plus, let’s be honest: many of us are not practicing great posture. All this hunched sitting can result in stiff joints and achey muscles, but you can combat...

Taking care of your body

When school is stressful, and you’re sitting at a desk or in front of a computer for hours, you can feel it in your body: your back is aching, your shoulders are tight, and you’re uncomfortable from being hunched over for an extended period of time. Massages are a...