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Breaking it down with the MacEwan University Hip Hop Dance Club

by | Apr 7, 2016 | Clubs | 0 comments

The formation of the MacEwan University Hip Hop Dance Club started with a simple web post. “It’s funny,” says Jeff Baglinit, a club member. “Small things lead up to huge things.”

On a book exchange forum, someone asked if there was a dance club at the university. From that moment on, passionate dancers banded together to create the MacEwan Hip Hop Dance Club. The dance club joins a large number of existing clubs under the Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) banner, but this group of bouncers and shakers was determined to make a mark on the university community.

Swarms of students came to the club’s first-ever Hip Hop Dance Showcase on March 23. The dancers did solo performances as well as group choreography, showing a breadth of talent. The showcase featured multiple dance styles, including popping and break dancing.

“A performance like this puts a foothold in the hip-hop community here at MacEwan, so people are more aware of us now, and it gives us unity because we’re not all from the same place,” says Kathena Lin, another club member.

The club, which consists primarily of first-year students, put on a highly charged showcase. Dancing on the stage and in the crowd — even with the crowd — these students showed off the varying skill levels of their members and encouraged others to come up and dance on stage. After watching Jackrit Kho spin on his head, I don’t blame audience members for being a bit timid to go up and perform — the guy is a tough act to follow.

The club’s talent and enthusiasm were recognized at the SAMU Awards Night on April 1, when the group was nominated for the New Club of the Year award.

The MacEwan University Hip Hop Dance Club had everybody moving and grooving after the group’s charged performance. It will be interesting to see the maturation of this club and its members during the years to come, and to see who else may come forward to stand in the spotlight.

Photo supplied

Christopher Moreau

The Griff


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