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How-to: Meditate

by | Jan 20, 2020 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

As modern humans, our days are overloaded with stimulation. Notifications vibrating our pockets every couple minutes, Facebook updating us on the relationship statuses of ex-partners, constant updates on the news of war and gore. How are we supposed to catch a break?

Lucky for you, it is as easy as a couple of breaths.

Meditation is the practice of taking a few minutes every day to ground yourself. To remind yourself that despite life moving at a million miles a minute around you, that everything is going to be okay. A simple effort first thing in the morning can have a drastic effect on your appreciation and navigation of life.

Step 1: Find a comfy spot to sit.

You can meditate anywhere really but a pillow is nice on your toosh.

Step 2: Posture is important.

Straighten your spine or you will be focusing on back pain rather than appreciating the moment.

Step 3: Close your eyes.

Rely on feeling rather than sight.

Step 4: Focus on your breath.

Feel the air moving in and out through your nose or the expansion of your chest. Every breath is different. Find the subtleties.

Step 5: Get distracted.

This is going to happen a lot. The key to meditation is to realize when your brain has taken over and distracted you.

Step 6: Note your distraction as thought.

That little voice in your head telling you to worry about bills or homework can shush. It is the root cause of your anxieties. Realize that your brain is working overdrive to make you worry about most things. Notice the thought and then…

Step 7: Refocus on your breath.

When you realize that you are distracted, bring yourself back to your breath. Every time you do this it is like doing a push-up for your awareness. Appreciate the breath and appreciate the moment.

It really is that simple.

Repeat steps one through seven for at least five to 10 minutes in the morning or whenever you can throughout your day. Soon you will notice a shift in your awareness. A profound realization that you are in control and not your mind. Enjoy. 

Milo Knauer

The Griff


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