MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

I love (the idealized online version of) you: The perfect dating app, according to a high-maintenance contributor

The day before I turned 18, Tinder banned me from signing up for their app. Fair play to them; I was testing the waters and didn’t adhere to their guidelines. But I digress. I was no stranger to dating apps. The key takeaway from wanting to use dating apps was to, ‘Find love.’ It took a change in my Hinge location to London, a man who was oblivious to the failures of Alberta’s education system, and a failed first date at the Tansen Izakaya restaurant on Whyte Ave to realize that maybe I had high expectations for dating as a whole. Or, I had high expectations when looking at the profile of every man I swiped left or right on. I scoured the love apps for you, looked through profiles on Bumble, Hinge and OkCupid and wondered, “What are...

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Necessary Evil

Office work! Rows of tiny cubicles where employees mindlessly work away for what seems like an eternity. An eternity in corporate hell! This thought is so relatable that many filmmakers the world...

Study spot: Block 1912

Block 1912 is a locally owned café that sits in the heart of historic Whyte Ave. Jorel Pipen, one of the café’s co-owners, purchased the space with his family in 2006. “We bought it from...

Recipe: Apple Crisp

Being asked to bring a dessert is a common request, and something that can be rather daunting. When figuring out a dessert there are many factors that need to be considered. This includes who’s...

The art of living

What a time to be an artist in Edmonton. Not one, but two innovative building projects are currently in the works to provide large-scale, community-based, sustainable housing for artists. For...

“Holy Angels”

In the fall of 2018, as Canadians have heard the Government of Canada discuss reconciliation efforts with Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples for the past several years, film director Jay Cardinal...

Looks can be deceiving

If you’re walking through downtown and central Edmonton and it feels like you can’t throw a stone without hitting an old building, you’d be right. The city is home to over 1,000 historic...

Date night: Snow Valley Aerial Park

You could head out for another dinner, perhaps coffee around the corner, or take in a flick and enjoy the air conditioning while absorbing the latest blockbuster explosion fest. But those seeking...

Take a break, do a loop

A phantom vibration initiates an automatic phone check, reminding us just how wired in we’ve become. Tuition comes due, and book lists seem to be even more expensive this time around. The leaves...

Mythology to meme

Chances are, if you own any form of social media you’ve come across a handful of horoscopes in your feed. Oddly specific, sometimes humorous, and most of the time partnered with a viral photo —...

Feb 2025

Clarification: In the print UPASS story in the Feb. issue of the Griff, it was written that the Edmonton Student Alliance was involved in negotiations with ETS. While ESA members were present, the ESA was not involved in negotiations, but are involved in ongoing advocacy.


