MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Sun, sand, and root canals

Sun, sand, and root canals

Last September, Ryan Bloemen, a young adult from Edmonton, attended the first of three dental appointments for replacement fillings and persistent cavities. Ryan, like many young adults, had inconsistent dental work since he had turned 18 due to a lack of time and the...
The kids across the street: MC College

The kids across the street: MC College

What is MC College? You’ve probably seen MC College. It’s the tall, glass tower across from building six at MacEwan. Its students are elusive, but you’ve likely seen them walking around through their glass windows or hitting their vapes on the building’s stoop. You...
Sad Old Men

Sad Old Men

This is a Christmas story.  But it’s not one about chestnuts over an open fire, or the chaos of mall brawls and black fridays. There are no cookies. No milk. Spruce trees? Maybe — but less green and red and gold, and more silvery pines below an overpass, frozen...