Is Alberta the Texas of Canada?
WTF does that even mean? Is Alberta Canada’s Texas? The Griff is fixin’ to answer the question, so hold your horses. At some point, we’ve all heard someone relate ‘Berta to our southern neighbour state. However, what people say in their comparisons between ‘Berta and Texas is not always the same, or clear. So, what’s so gall darn similar ‘bout ‘em anyho?? Well, there are some obvious similarities: both have large oil and gas industries, large land masses, industrialized beef cattle production, and lean rightward politically. A while back… The old news, like a cowpoke's boots from the 90s, is Texan colonial history (not to mention U.S. colonial history), which has been romanticized and mythologized in Hollywood and American culture in...
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Makeup in the Workplace
Your boss is speaking during a meeting. What lipstick is she wearing? Originally published on November 1, 2024 I have to ask you a question. Let’s say the power goes out overnight, your...
Empowered play: The role of consent in Larping
CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of sexual abuse; Originally published on November 1, 2024. Outside of the Halloween holiday, costumes and cosplay have become an integral part of the geek community. But...
Self-published author helps MacEwan writers learn the ropes of today’s publishing industry.
How S. Victoria Nakamun’s presentation for MacEwan’s creative writing club encouraged writers to develop (and eventually market) their unique authorial voices. In a growing world with a...
From Allard Hall to Building 5: My thoughts on study spots at MacEwan
One day I came across a TikTok by Mel Robbins where she offered a piece of advice that really stood out to me: study in a different location every day for at least 30 minutes. So, I set myself...
November Newsbites
Originally published on November 1, 2024 MacEwan staff’s official bargaining agent restructures under new name Ben Haney The MacEwan Staff Union, which represents non-academic employees at the...
ANALYSIS: Israeli terror targets more than Hezbollah
Israel carried out a covert operation on Sept. 17, detonating hundreds of pagers and radios ostensibly targeting Hezbollah members in Lebanon. Israel’s new method of terror may be one of the...
Extending suicide prevention and awareness beyond September
When you’re on campus, take a second to look around. The average age of MacEwan’s student body in 2022-23 was 24 years old. In Canada, the second leading cause of death for people likely your...
MacEwan votes against cutting fall break
68 per cent of votes were against removing the break for next year A vote to remove MacEwan’s fall reading break fell flat at Monday’s general faculties council meeting, and the 2025/2026...
Free NARCAN kits for $125 — students charged for nasal spray at Fall Fest
Some MacEwan students were charged for NARCAN Nasal Spray kits handed out at Fall Fest, when they were supposed to be free. Around 130 students covered by SAMU’s Health & Dental Benefits Plan...
Albertan team becomes second all-women team to win Amazing Race Canada
What the pair of wrestlers and best friends have to say about supporting each other through season 10 The final episode of Amazing Race Canada aired Sept. 10, crowning the pair of Albertan...
Jan 2024
CORRECTION: Varun Chandrasekar’s name was mispelled in the article “Is Alberta micromanaging its universities?” We regret the error.
CORRECTION: The photo of Simar Nayar’s BMW 335is is misattributed. The photo is by Leo, or @flickz.lp on Instagram. We apologize for the error.