MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

One student’s thoughts on hustle culture and its effects on students

Is it just me or was reading break exhausting?  The grind never stops and we hustle to the end, but what is the end? I am constantly tackling an undying to-do list which I simply cannot seem to finish. It feels like one accomplishment was a mere stepping stone to the next and I never get to savour my achievements. It's always too early for contentment because there's so much more to do and so much more to be.  I never appreciate how far I’ve come, I only dread how much further I have to go.  Hustle culture promotes the idea of working endlessly and pushing ourselves to our breaking point. We have been conditioned to believe that the only path to success is an unending ladder we must continually climb with no relent. Hustle...

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Nov 2024  

