The internet is pretty weird. And by that we mean pretty dumb. There’s an ample amount of dumbness in all corners of the web, but social media has made it easier than ever to find trash content on the internet.
Do we hate it? Absolutely not!
Here are some of our favourite, silly, dumb, and interesting pages on various social media sites:
MiddleClassFancy — Instagram; Tim’s pick
Whenever I’m in the mood for looking at just terrible yet inconceivably funny online, my go-to is the Instagram page MiddleClassFancy.
Combining the two basic ingredients of ugly stock photos and terrible, intentionally lame captions, page author Lee Ayers has managed to capture something that almost always succeeds in causing me to react by first thinking, “Oh god, that is just awful,” then laughing at how awful it is, then laughing at myself for laughing at something so painfully awful.
What I also simultaneously appreciate and find incredibly stupid about the page is the fact that the author uses the same handful of awkward models.
Because of this repetitious posting style, I now have the facial features of one model in particular burned into my mind, the face of whom has become synonymous with my idea of the word “cringey.”
One final point of interest about the page is the ferocious pride for the Chili’s restaurant chain, and the hatred of Applebee’s. I’m not sure where this strange Chili’s/Applebee’s rivalry comes from.
But that bit of intrigue is just another part of what makes the page so enticing. So if you’re in the mood to laugh at something ridiculous, then become confused at why you’re laughing, MiddleClassFancy is the page for you. — Tumblr/Website; Aubrianna’s pick
Sixpenceee began as a tumblr blog run by a college student, and has since adopted its own domain name due to the exponential rise in popularity of the page.
The blog features a diversity of topics, from current events and interesting factoids to some truly horrifying stories, both fiction and fact.
Beware not only of the creepy tales, but also of being absorbed by this website for hours on end when you should probably be studying.
Sixpenceee is also still accessible from tumblr. — Tumblr; Aubrianna’s pick
We all need our daily dose of cuteness, and this blog certainly delivers.
Hazel is a talented little corgi with an affinity for balancing objects on her head.
The blog also chronicles Hazel’s life with her owner and animal friends.
Many students are not able to interact with animals often, and must settle for online pictures and videos. Students face difficulties every day; and webpages like this one can be helpful in alleviating stress, if only for a minute or two.

BIG GULP — Facebook; Thai’s pick
BIG GULP is a really good page to follow. It will surprise you and put a smile on your face at the most unexpected moments.
Like, really the most unexpected moments. The page only posts once or twice a year to tell you if BIG GULP IS BACK or not.
The page is beautifully simple in that the joke is very dumb, but the commitment to the page is very funny.
And when BIG GULP comes back next time around, you will be genuinely excited about it.

Nefarious napoleonic memes — Facebook; Thai’s pick
Full disclosure, I have a soft spot for history. Specifically, I have a soft spot for Napoleon Bonaparte because I think he was very cool. You should read about him!
Naturally, when I found a meme page on Facebook dedicated to jokes about Napoleon and the Napoleonic era, I was pretty, pretty, pretty excited. The admins of the page are real Napoleonic history buffs, which makes the jokes really enjoyable to an almost inside joke level. The page often takes the popular meme of the day and remixes it into some sort of joke about Napoleon’s triumphs or failures.
I’m very glad to see that Napoleon’s legacy is survived by dumb Facebook memes. That’s a legacy suitable for an emperor.

All screenshots used in text are courtesy of the respective pages.
Cover photo by Atomic Taco / CC BY SA