MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Edmonton, zines, and vending machines

It was the mid-1930s when zines got their official start in the form of science fiction fanzines. According to Julie Barel in her 2003 article “The Salt Lake City Public Library Zine Collection”, zine history is extensive, but “their strongest historical...

Recipe: Salsa chicken

As students with stacks of homework, finding time to cook is a challenge. Mix in limited funds, and the situation can become dire. This, inevitably, is when we turn to cheap and easy fixes; however, those often aren’t always the healthiest choice. Here lies the...

How-to: achieve clear skin

As cold weather creeps around the corner, maintaining perfect skin will be, for most of us, one difficult task. But no need to worry — achieving great skin doesn’t need to be a complicated process. Incorporating a skin care regimen into your everyday routine can...

November Letter from the Editor

As we say goodbye to Halloween and hello to the holiday season, our thoughts turn to the joys and stresses that this time of year brings. For many of us, it’s an opportunity to spend time with our loved ones, but some people aren’t so lucky. The holidays can be a...