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What is the history of the club? Mitchell Norenberg: It’s actually one of the oldest clubs at MacEwan. It kind of morphed out of the Open Doors Club, which itself was formed in 2000, and then around 2010 it was somehow morphed into InQueeries. We are the campus’...
How long has the club been around? Brianna Madron: We’re MHRC right now, the MacEwan Human Resources Club. We used to be called HRMSS (Human Resources Management Student Society), and that started I believe five years ago-ish. Then we rebranded to MHRC around two...
What are the Leguminadi all about? The Leguminadi is a social club at MacEwan University. We are focused towards creating a welcoming atmosphere for those who are vegan, vegetarian, or those who want to engage in a plant-based lifestyle. We try to provide...
When was the UN Club created? Micheal Ziegler: It was created in 1993 as an initiative of both students and Dr. Mensah, a political science faculty advisor. The original idea was to create a class, which had to start out as a club first to show the university that...
What is the Design Students Organization, or DSO? Our goal is to get design students from all years working together on common projects as well as connecting to the design industry in Edmonton. Who can join the club? Right now our executive team is design students...
Sitting in the sun on the patio outside of the 109 Street MacEwan University pedway, Kristine MacDonald sips on a coffee and animatedly discusses her ongoing exploration of the line between craft and art. For the past four years, Kristine has been running...