MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Revitalization for whom?

Three years after its opening, it seems the dust has settled around Rogers Place. It has not taken long for the arena to establish itself as an integral part of the downtown scene — in spite of the constant construction around it. Droves of people now stream in and...

The right stuff

When Geneve Champoux, Manager of Student Success Services, first started working at MacEwan University in 2007, the Writing Centre did not exist. There were no cozy couches on which to complete one’s homework, no long desk with computer access, no...


The background of Saint Patrick’s Day is an interesting one. The story that Saint Patrick came to Ireland to drive out all the snakes is actually a metaphor used by the Catholic Church. Saint Patrick came to Ireland to convert its people (predominantly Celtic...

Safe substance use

It has been a year since two supervised consumption sites opened in Edmonton at Boyle Street Community Services and the George Spady Centre. These two sites were quickly followed by the opening of two more at the Royal Alexandra Hospital and the Boyle McCauley...

Soldiers of Odin Alberta

In October of 2018, the United Conservative Party (UCP) was forced to let go of one of their west Edmonton candidates following a photo op gone wrong. The candidate, Lance Coulter, received massive backlash after images appeared in various social media accounts of...

Blind exploration

To many, the world of photography may feel like a vast, inaccessible maze of aperture depth, lighting rules, and outrageously expensive equipment. The Pecha Kucha Inspiration Night at the Metro Cinema in Garneau, held on Feb. 12, sought to pull back the curtain on...

Men’s mental health

According to a 2017 Ipsos report, women, millennials, and people with low incomes are the Canadians at the highest risk for mental health issues. The report states that while 41 per cent of Canadians are classified as being “high risk” for mental illness, these...

Dress for a cause

Oct. 1-5 marked MacEwan University’s second annual Sexual Violence Awareness Week. Oct. 4 is also the day set aside to honour Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. As part of Sexual Violence Awareness Week, and in honour of Missing and Murdered...

Emotion and architecture

The conversation around Edmonton’s heritage buildings and their preservation has had a long, tireless run at being the focal point of decision making when it comes to the city’s infrastructure. It is more often a debate, and a continuous one at that. On one side,...

From MacEwan to VICE

Mack Lamoureux is a MacEwan University alumnus who graduated from the Bachelor of Communications program. He has previously worked at CBC, has bylines with a handful of other publications, and currently works for VICE Canada in Toronto. I got a chance to sit down...