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Fashion relics of the early 2000s

by | Jan 21, 2016 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

Remember the 2000s? Not the 2010s — we’re living those years now — I’m talking about the good times. The 2000s. Take this in: 2005 was 10 years ago. It seems like a long time, but at the same time it really doesn’t. Why? Because those were the years the future started to become real — really real! Facebook launched in 2004, YouTube in 2005, and the iPhone in 2007. Those names will now never be forgotten as leaders in some of the most important fields we focus on today. But what else was happening in the 2000s? Many, many horrible style choices that will hopefully remain forgotten. Here are some examples.

Chunky highlights a.k.a. six stripes of blonde hair

Dying blonde into your hair was a pretty dope thing to do. You weren’t just a brunette anymore. You transcended brunette. You were the most amazing combination of brown and blonde hair — the revered zebra of the hair jungle. It cost you half a paycheck, but at least Brad would notice that your hair was two colours, and maybe he would want to ask you to go hang out at the mall with him. Hairstylists around the globe have finally given up on chunky highlights, so no need to stress anymore!

Puka shell jewelry

This is the classic go-to necklace for the classic surfer/laidback dude look. The puka shell necklace is what many consider the poor man’s pearl necklace. You know that guy who gets mediocre grades but has a lot of people to chill with? He probably still has his puka shell jewelry! By the way, what is a puka shell?


These are the soap shoes of the 2000s. Remember when Heelys were so huge that Costco had to ban them, and tell parents that their kids couldn’t use them while shopping? That’s pretty hilarious. Concerned neighbours also worked tirelessly to get Heely-ing tyrants to wear helmets. No way! The local Heely boys were moving way too quickly to stop and strap on helmets. Three words, mom: never enough speed.

West 49 & Claire’s

These two were the definitive stores for boys and girls, respectively. While West 49 had a monopoly on the infamous puka shells and rad baggy clothes, Claire’s employees were piercing ears like nobody’s business. These two stores still exist, and are kind of still doing the same thing.

Bieber hair

This hairstyle was really just a glorified bowl cut, but apparently the ladies loved it. Little Justin’s hair actually defined a whole era of hair in teen celebrities, ranging from Mitchel Musso to Zac Efron.

Emo/scene kids

My Chemical Romance represented the entire emo/scene movement. Google a photo of that band, study their looks, their attitudes, and maybe listen to a few albums. These guys represented an entire demographic. Apparently they couldn’t keep up with Bieber’s style, because they’re not a band anymore.


You know who wore puka shells the best? These guys. To paint an accurate mind picture, dudebros wore colourful polo shirts with the collars popped, and they were probably in a frat. They have inspired many great things in the media nowadays, like the wonderful new PC principle from South Park, John Cena’s style and the show Blue Mountain State.

Aviator sunglasses (a.k.a. those ones that cops wear)

Wearing these sunglasses makes you 10% faster and 100% cooler.

Affliction & Ed Hardy

If you needed a shirt featuring 15 skulls, chains, angel wings, and a banner that read “MUSCLE MAN” on it, these brands were for you! The conversation these guys had while designing their brands must have went something like this: “Alright. Tigers, skulls, crosses, demons, angels — those are really cool. Let’s put 10 of each on some shirts!” Last I saw these shirts, they were at liquidation stores.

In conclusion, the 2000s were hella fun.

Thai Sirikoone

The Griff


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