MacEwan has a wide range of international partnerships with universities from all around the world. There are also various scholarships available for students wanting to go on an exchange abroad. As an exchange student, you’ll get to grow as a person and have a more open mind since you meet people from other nationalities, learn a new language, and immerse yourself in a new culture.
Students have the choice of regular terms as well as summer programs. Summer programs can last from three weeks to two months. You may earn transfer credits through different programs in Ecuador, France, The Netherlands, and South Korea. More summer opportunities may be added at the beginning of next year. If you are interested in an internship, depending on your major, Czechia, Germany, Portugal, and the United States have a lot to offer.
To be eligible for these opportunities, you must have completed at least 24 credits at MacEwan University, with a cumulative minimum of 2.5 GPA, and must be registered in a full-time degree program preceding the exchange program.
MacEwan international coordinator, Yunyan Li, suggests applying as early as you can, since the seats fill out pretty quickly. The deadline for summer, fall, and winter exchanges is Mar. 1, and if placements are still available for winter, the deadline will be Oct. 1. Li also suggests that aspiring exchange students keep their free electives open, since that gives you more flexibility in choosing an institution and different classes to take if the country of your choice does not have the required classes for your major.
Depending on your major, you can choose from the following partner universities:
Australia- University of New England
Austria- University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria
Ecuador- Universidad Espiritu Santo
Finland- Abo Akademi, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Sciences
France- Audencia Business School, Lile Catholic University
Germany- HTW Dresden, Mittweida University of Applied Sciences
Japan- Nagoya Gakuin University, Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies
Netherlands- HAN University of Applied Sciences, Hanze University of Applied Sciences
South Korea- Hankuk University of Foreign Studies
Sweden- Linkoping University, Umea University
Switzerland- Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts
United Kingdom- Queen Margaret University, Keele University, Staffordshire University, University of Wales Trinity St. David
For more information, visit: or email You can also join an info session to learn more about the application process, how transfer-credits work, deadlines, accommodation, scholarships, and more. The next info sessions this month will be held on Nov. 16 at 11 a.m. (Building 9-207) and Nov. 28 at 3 p.m. (Building 11-460).