MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Is using Grammarly cheating?

Students and faculty grapple with AI and academic integrity Marley Stevens had no idea that using Grammarly could put her on academic probation.  A student at the University of Georgia North, where Grammarly is provided for free to all students, Stevens had submitted a paper for a class on criminal justice when she received an email notifying her of a zero grade. “I thought he had sent the email to the wrong person because I worked super hard on my paper,” Stevens said in an interview with NewsNation in March. She is now expected to be on probation until February 2025. I came across this story after I saw a similar case on a MacEwan Facebook group, where a student had been accused of using AI in their first-year biology class (but...

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Sept 2024
