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Rolling to a greener Edmonton

by | Jan 26, 2021 | News | 0 comments

The City of Edmonton will provide all single-unit and some multi-unit homes with carts for garbage and food waste as part of the City’s 25-year waste strategy to divert 90 per cent of waste from landfills. Homes will be provided with one large (240 L) garbage bin as a default, but residents who feel that a small (120 L) bin will be sufficient have until Feb. 12 to put in a request with the city for a smaller-sized bin. Residents will also receive a 120 L bin for their food waste. The City believes that households with one to two people will be able to use the small bin as there will be less garbage once food scraps and recycling are sorted out. 

Garbage and food waste carts will be delivered between March and August 2021 along with a pail for food scraps to be used inside the home, an information package that explains how to sort waste (this information can also be found on the City website), and a new collection schedule. Garbage will be collected every two weeks, which is less frequent than it is currently collected. Recycling collection will remain the same and food waste will be collected weekly except in the winter months, when it will be collected every two weeks. The City of Edmonton has not yet specified which months are considered winter months. Monthly waste service fees will remain the same until October 2021, at which time those with the default large bin will see an increase of $1.10 while households with the small bin will see a $3.90 reduction. 

Residents should note, this is not a voluntary initiative. Garbage will only be collected if it is in the City provided bin and if the bin is set out correctly. All carts must be placed three metres (10 feet) away from all other bins, vehicles, or other objects including overhead branches or wires. Those with front street collection are required to place the bin on the street against the curb and homes with alley collection must place carts close to the alley. In either case, the bins need to be set out with the lid fully closed, on level ground, with the back wheels facing the house or driveway. Any garbage bags that do not fit in the bin will not be collected on garbage day, however if residents occasionally have excess garbage, two clear bags of garbage can be dropped off at the Eco Station at no charge. At this time, recycling will not have a designated bin and will continue to be collected weekly using blue bags. Recycling is the only waste that will be accepted outside of a bin.

Image courtesy of rawpixel.

Ela Kaufman

The Griff


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