MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Daze Magazine won’t leave you confused

Preceded by nothing but sparse rumours, Edmonton’s alternative arts and culture-focused newspaper, VUE Weekly, abruptly announced its doors were shutting last November. A short two weeks later, its last issue was published.   “It was very sudden,” says Stephan...

Dreamcatcher Conference

MacEwan University hosted the 26th annual Dreamcatcher Aboriginal Youth Conference Oct. 12 to 13, 2018. The Dreamcatcher Conference is an event aimed at providing Indigenous youth across Canada the opportunity to explore educational and career opportunities, while...

Talk about abroad: A chat with Viktoria Horvat

Viktoria Horvat, a fourth-year BCom student who studied for a term at Nagoya Gakuin University in Japan sat down with Tyler Cantwell from the Education Abroad team at MacEwan International to talk about her experience studying abroad. From language barriers to new...

Language as community

Kihêw waciston, meaning “eagle’s nest” in Cree, offers a safe space for the exploration of indigenous culture at MacEwan University. The indigenous centre organizes events for students of all backgrounds to build their sense of community and learn about indigenous...