MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Allard Hall and MacEwan’s hidden gem

This past year at MacEwan University has been monumental for the institution. It has been named the Year of Celebration, and as the arts programs have moved to our downtown location, two of the university’s three campuses have finally come together. Sure, it was...

Post-secondary tuition freeze extended

On Thursday, Nov. 30, amid the bustle of exam prep and final projects, Alberta college and university students received some good news. Advanced Education Minister Marlin Schmidt was on-site at MacEwan University to announce the post-secondary tuition freeze will...

MacEwan on alert

Students should never have to choose between going to school and potentially compromising their safety, on the one hand, or skipping class and missing out on exams and participation marks on the other. On Oct. 25, 2016, however, many MacEwan University students...

Age is just a number

A quick glance around a classroom at MacEwan University might a slew of young faces texting or typing on their computers and tablets. Behind this exterior, however, is a demographic that goes greatly unrecognized: the mature student population. A mature student is...

How much is too much?

Beer gardens, a busy campus bar, and classes made blurry by a bit of a buzz – the first few days of a university term are, essentially, a syllabus-infused party. While the introductory week provides students with a smooth transition into the school year, campus...