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The Griff vs the Griffins: Men’s basketball edition

by | Nov 28, 2024 | Magazine, Sports | 0 comments

I played Griffins basketball player Milan Jaksic in a game of 21. Along the way, I got to know the 2023-24 most outstanding MacEwan athlete.

Originally published on November 1, 2024.

“I bet I could do that.” 

It’s been uttered on every couch, and in every sports bar across the nation. For whatever reason, viewers constantly underestimate unbelievably talented people. I think there are two reasons for that: 

  1. Entertainers and athletes are often dehumanized, due to the nature of only ever being performers. 
  2. We’ve never compared ourselves to them. And I mean properly compared. 

So I decided to test one of my “I bet I could do that” claims.

I arrived at the gym at 9 a.m. and met with Jaksic shortly after. Before we got down to business, we chopped it up about pre-workout meals. 

“Before I play basketball I don’t like eating anything,” he told me, as he went and started warming up for our game. I was fueled by THREE eggs, feeling as confident as ever. Of course that wouldn’t last long. We checked up, and the game began. 

I somehow hit the first basket, and my confidence surged even higher. And then Jaksic locked in. In the middle of draining threes in my face, he talked to me about his beginning in the sport. 

“At first I played soccer, but my dad saw the height coming in, so he forced me to play basketball. Was a good choice, I made it far with basketball. I got scholarships. I was offered [entry] by multiple schools in the states and in Canada.” And while he may have been forced initially, it wasn’t long before he was truly into the sport. “Grade 9, 10. I decided to actually take basketball seriously. Like before that I was just kinda messing around here and there.”

Right after saying that, he hit another step back three. Realizing he had just hit his fifth straight shot, we both laughed at the hot streak. 

“So if you guys wanna come out and support, come see us play here in the gym!”

Milan Jaksic, MacEwan Griffins Men’s Basketball

One thing I now know for certain about Jaksic — and I imagine all his teammates — is that he loves the game of basketball. Being skilled is only one part, pure love of the game is a massive part of people’s success in anything — sport is no different. We talked about being a student and his life outside the game. 

“First year, it was a bit harder. Second year, it gets easier. By now I kind of figured out the little routine that I have,” he said. However, he insisted that it was just like school for anyone else. 

“School’s hard with anything but… ” he trailed off mid-shot. “… bang. AHHHHH”. He finally missed, and I had the ball back. Of course, I immediately air-balled, but that’s beside the point. 

As soon as he got the ball back, we both got back into rhythm. Him, draining shots, and me, asking questions, wondering how to guard people. Jaksic had given me insight before we started, emphasizing speed in your lateral movement. I shrugged it off and asked for his outlook on this upcoming season. 

“This year I think we have a way better team than last year, with new additions, so I expect a lot.” I tried to ask about individual stats, but Jaksic let me know that winning was the only expectation. “Honestly, I’m not too worried [about stats]… I want to switch this team around,” he said. The only thing he mentioned in relation to stats was that they would help him reach his goal of playing professionally post-MacEwan. Spain or Sweden, if he had a choice of destination. 

At this point, I was gassed, and when he heard me say so he let out a couple of laughs. According to him, if you ever go watch one of their practices there’s a lot of stamina training. It’s all for the goal of winning, and getting back to the playoffs, a place the men’s team hasn’t been since the first couple of years of the U Sports program. We both believe more fans can power the team forward. 

Right after sinking the final basket to beat me 21 to 1, he had a message for fans. 

“We have a better team this year. I know the history doesn’t show it, but I think we are gonna win games […] and make playoffs. At least, that’s my goal and I think that’s everyone’s goal on the team. So if you guys wanna come out and support, come see us play here in the gym!” 

I thanked Jaksic and we parted ways. Turns out I can’t beat a collegiate-level basketball player. Who knew?

Watch Ian go up against the Griffins’ very own Milan Jaksic on our instagram, @thegriffonline

Photo by Robert Antoniuk

Ian Smyth

The Griff


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