The Keeper of Knowledge: Peter Griffin
Why you should consider Peter Griffin for your next professor
Why you should consider Peter Griffin for your next professor
Digital hygiene (or digital wellness) is a term used to describe how people can look after their mental health and digital safety in the online world. Limiting your screen time and using digital safety measures is ever important in an online world designed to soak...
How negative temperatures just can’t keep movie lovers away
Beetlejuice the Musical is an over-the-top, raunchy, and hilarious adaptation of the original 1988 film. If you’re a fan of the film, the musical will satisfy your nostalgia, while its unpredictable differences will keep you on your dancing toes. The touring...
It’s a Wednesday evening, and everything goes as usual. I leave my black garbage bin along the curb right beside its smaller green clone. They sit there in silence like gargoyles in the night, awaiting the arrival of Edmonton’s garbage trucks. In the early rise of...
It’s time to take a break from culture-warring Are you tired of watching think-tank-funded videos on YouTube? Or arguing with the “woke degenerates” on social media? Look no further. Here are some great new activities to try instead of spending time theorizing how...
In the closing weeks of 2024, I interviewed two of Edmonton’s very own drag performers. Maxine “Jizz Elle” Garcia and Solara “Saint Solstice” Adoma. These two are some of Edmonton’s premier drag performers. Garcia and Adoma are iconic examples of Edmonton’s...
Insight into francophone Edmonton Have you been dreaming of enjoying a latte and croissant under the Eiffel Tower as you — ‘ow do yoo say — speak the world's most romantic language? Well, here’s the next best thing. Café CAVA (Centre d’Arts Visuels de l’Alberta)...
“Black people don't want me, but also white people don't want me,” Aviva Addo was working at Simons when she noticed a Black man staring at her, confused. “Where are you from?” he asked. “Oh, I’m half white, half Black.” The man scoffed. “Really?” His...
An elderly couple listen to the Edmonton Chinese Choir Society perform at West Edmonton Mall for the Lunar New Year Extravaganza on January 25, 2025. A man plays table tennis as a part of the Cyclone table tennis club. Dancers wait anxiously to begin their...
The day before I turned 18, Tinder banned me from signing up for their app. Fair play to them; I was testing the waters and didn’t adhere to their guidelines. But I digress. I was no stranger to dating apps. The key takeaway from wanting to use dating apps was to,...
Or, run a Zyn-athon. When I was in high school, I used to be a model student. (I slept on a couch in the back of science class.) In my defence, I got good enough marks to get into MacEwan. But, behind that couch was an outlet, and the back desks were...