MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Parking at MacEwan hurts my wallet

My dad sold his white Toyota Corolla—Sports edition, of course—to me when I first moved to Edmonton to attend MacEwan because I was unable to afford a vehicle. A nice gesture. He told me that if you take care of your car, your car will take care of you. I won’t lie; I have misused my car at times, but I've made sure to keep my car safe. One such way is to park my car somewhere close when I’m on campus.  Edmonton is a city where driving is almost a necessity. While Toronto, the most populated city in Canada, covers an area of 630 square kilometres, Edmonton is larger at 783 square kilometres. It’s therefore no surprise that downtown Edmonton is filled with parking lots. In the last year, for instance, the City of Edmonton found...

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The Book of Mormon – a crude success

I have performed in many theatre productions and have a great love for musicals. However, no other theatre piece can prepare a person for the amazingly absurd work that is The Book of Mormon. The...

The Decision

When Rob Poole, the mainstay of the women’s basketball team for six years, decided to move on from the program, it was unclear who would step up in the midst of MacEwan’s best years in its short...

Remembering Misha

“To this moment, I still remember his first arrival to Canada,” Misha Bazelevskyy’s brother, Andriy, said of his move from Ukraine. “He came out of the car and just stretched his hands and he...

A gem hidden in plain sight

The room erupts in occasional laughter when the acting on the screen gets too melodramatic for even the most composed of the audience. It’s Friday night, and about 100 Edmontonians have gathered...

CRISPR: Engineering evolution

What if you could ensure your child would never get Crohn’s disease? Or what if you could choose their hair colour? Or make sure they would have perfect eyesight? What may seem like science...

Superman goes to school

We’ve all been there. You’re talking about the last episode of your favourite show, or maybe you’re freaking out about the incredible album your favourite band just dropped, and then you hear it:...

Living with loss

It might chart a slow, predictable course, or it might catch us off guard. It could arrive too early, or not soon enough. Once in a while, it will appear right on target, and even though we know...

Closer to campus

As the fall semester gets underway, the majority of MacEwan’s sports teams will resume business as usual and begin their 2016 seasons. However, this time around, the women’s and men’s Griffins...

Sept 2024
