OPINION: Journalism is activism — Speaking truth to power
Speak truth to power. How often has this statement been regurgitated? How often has it been used to describe a journalist's contribution to society? How often have we — journalists or not — taken the time to understand what it means? In an era of “fake news” and the death of the free press, the world of journalism is faced with many choices, all of which boil down to: adapt or become lost to history. In an effort to keep journalism’s metaphorical head above water, impartiality has become monumental to the reporting process. Any hint of bias crumbles a reporter's credibility to dust. Yet this has quickly become an ultimatum of sorts for journalists, discouraging them from taking any real stance on any issues unless we want to threaten...
The Latest
EPS hiring advertisements spotted around downtown Edmonton
EPS seems to be looking to hire new officers Advertisements for Edmonton Police Services have been popping up at locations around MacEwan University. Kyle Wurban, EPS’s marketing planner of...
Moving from a small town to Edmonton – what’s it like?
I interviewed third-year student Brady Newman about his experience coming to Edmonton. Life in the big city might seem like second nature to most students. They know how to navigate downtown,...
OPINION: Edmonton Oilers’ eight wins in a row changes the narrative
A remarkable turnaround fuels playoff aspirations The Edmonton Oilers have engineered a stunning turnaround, moving from a struggling 31st out of 32 teams to 20th in the league standings. This...
The inspirational journey of Jyla Erandio
In the fall of 2022, Jyla Erandio, a current freshman player on the MacEwan Griffins women’s soccer team, was diagnosed with meningoencephalitis, a viral infection that causes inflammation of the...
To degree or not to degree
The bachelor’s degree may be dead, but your skills and experiences are immortal MacEwan’s towers aren’t ivory — even from far away, you can tell they’re built with concrete and rebar. But,...
The Big Band
Marty Majorowicz stepping into new shoes as this year’s Big Band director Since the 70s, MacEwan’s musically-inclined students have played in a “Big Band.” A Big Band is an ensemble of musicians...
Aajah in Amsterdam
The ups, downs, and beautiful epiphanies of my experience studying abroad in the Netherlands I recall the exact moment when I decided that I wanted to study abroad. It was in my second year...
Bare-faced and proud: Coping with the anxieties of adult acne
I’ve struggled with adult acne for years, and now, I’m telling my story As a teenager, there’s nothing worse than waking up to see a huge pimple on your face. Except for when you’re not a...
The ones who keep the lights on: a small sample of MacEwan’s facilities staff
Correction: MacEwan does not directly work with the Rick Hansen Foundation. However, Megan Schellenberg has referred to the Rick Hansen Foundation as a company that helps post-secondary schools...
Sun, sand, and root canals
Last September, Ryan Bloemen, a young adult from Edmonton, attended the first of three dental appointments for replacement fillings and persistent cavities. Ryan, like many young adults, had...
Feb 2025
Clarification: In the print UPASS story in the Feb. issue of the Griff, it was written that the Edmonton Student Alliance was involved in negotiations with ETS. While ESA members were present, the ESA was not involved in negotiations, but are involved in ongoing advocacy.