MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Vice president external resigns

SAMU seeks to fill a vacancy The Students’ Association of MacEwan’s University is looking to fill the vacant executive committee (EC) position of vice president external after the previous VP, Alric Reid, stepped down.  Reid says the decision came after receiving news that his son, who is experiencing health issues, would need more support than the family originally anticipated.  “It's been one of the greatest honours of my life to serve the students of MacEwan University. And I wish it didn't come to an end this way,” Reid said in an interview with the Griff. “I hope that the next person that comes into the role understands the privilege there is to serve students.” The position is open to all MacEwan students who pay SAMU...

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A signal to MacEwan students

Batman has the bat signal. The Fantastic Four has flare guns. MacEwan University has academic probation emails. With the winter semester in full swing, some MacEwan students are getting a sign to...

My issue with new year’s resolutions

New Year's resolutions remind us that, as we get closer and closer to death, we need to live like Tolstoy says: by making genuine connections and making decisions that will make us the happiest....

Staying organized for the winter term

As the winter term rolls in, MacEwan University’s students return to the routine of busy school days. As the workload piles on, students can begin to feel the pressure to keep up.  By...

What a geologist wants

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Review: The Year of Magical Thinking

Joan Didion, an American author who paved the way for many women in journalism and literature, passed away last year at the age of 87. Her collection of books is all intrinsically brilliant and...

Final thoughts: Spotify Wrapped

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Review: Andor

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Is Elon Musk ruining Twitter?

After becoming CEO of Twitter in October 2022, Elon Musk has committed a string of questionable actions, resulting in the company facing potential bankruptcy.  Musk bought the company...

Sept 2024
