MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Parking at MacEwan hurts my wallet

My dad sold his white Toyota Corolla—Sports edition, of course—to me when I first moved to Edmonton to attend MacEwan because I was unable to afford a vehicle. A nice gesture. He told me that if you take care of your car, your car will take care of you. I won’t lie; I have misused my car at times, but I've made sure to keep my car safe. One such way is to park my car somewhere close when I’m on campus.  Edmonton is a city where driving is almost a necessity. While Toronto, the most populated city in Canada, covers an area of 630 square kilometres, Edmonton is larger at 783 square kilometres. It’s therefore no surprise that downtown Edmonton is filled with parking lots. In the last year, for instance, the City of Edmonton found...

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Creative Spotlight: Amal Mohamud

Growing up watching Canadian television, Amal Mohamud experienced the disappointing reality of the industry: it is very, very white. This lack of representation and Mohamud’s knack for telling...

Recipe: Crinkle cookies

Ingredients: 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 1 cup unsweetened applesauce 1/2 cup canola oil 2 tsp. vanilla 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 2 tsp. baking powder 1/4 tsp....

Vegan holiday baking

If you’re like me, then Christmas is your favourite time of the year. It includes the best pastimes of any holiday: decorating the Christmas tree, watching festive movies, and, of course, baking!...

Signal for help

The pandemic has resulted in increased levels of domestic abuse across the world, and this is no different in Edmonton. The Edmonton Police have reported that domestic violence calls are up 15...

The ghost of a relationship past

The Christmas break is upon us, and with plenty of time on hand, students used to the hustle and bustle of university life and impending deadlines may be caught twiddling their thumbs, searching...

Review: La Casa de Papel-Season Five

Spoiler alert: This review contains minor spoilers from season five and major spoilers from seasons one through four. I have always been a sucker for TV shows about heists, and when I walked in...

Study spaces at MacEwan

MacEwan University is as unique as the students that get to call this school home. In knowing this, we see that study spaces at MacEwan are also unique to each student. Each department offers...

Intuitive eating during the holidays

As the holiday season is officially in full swing, many people are thinking about their weight and body size more than usual. I spoke with Rhiannon de Vries, a nutritional consultant and health...

Support local, support Indigenous

On Dec. 4, the River Cree Resort and Casino gave people a chance to witness the first in-person Indigenous holiday market in Edmonton. The event ran from Dec. 3 to 5, from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. The...

Land acknowledgements in Canada

Land acknowledgements are a continuous debate in Canada. Are they good? Do they bring about change and recognition to the Indigenous people? Do they help recognize the hardships and struggles...

Sept 2024
