MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

The Carpoolers’ EP Release show of Revenge Porn

A night of Edmonton’s punk music scene jamming out in support of each other. On the brisk night of Oct. 19, the Carpoolers were anything but quiet. Backed by a crowd of fans and three other local Edmonton bands as their openers, the six person band celebrated the release of their EP album, Revenge Porn. Between the majority of vocals by Maddie McWatters, guitar hand-offs, an inflatable alien, and projectile candy, the air in the room was supercharged with the intense love for home-grown music. It won’t be long before they’re back on the Starlite stage again, this time, in competition.  If you’ve seen any of the Battle of the Bands posters on campus, the name “The Carpoolers" might be familiar to you. They are one of the five bands...

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A lifetime of redistribution

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Jan 2024  

CORRECTION: Varun Chandrasekar’s name was mispelled in the article “Is Alberta micromanaging its universities?” We regret the error.

CORRECTION: The photo of Simar Nayar’s BMW 335is is misattributed. The photo is by Leo, or @flickz.lp on Instagram. We apologize for the error.

