MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Letterkenny: The new face of Canadian Media

It’s well established that America has a firm monopoly on the world’s media and, because of that, controls a lot of what the world sees, hears, and thinks. It would be difficult to find someone who doesn’t know Hollywood as the Promised Land of movie magic....

Their rightful voice

When people think about a transgender individual’s transition, they often think about the physical aspects. Clothing, hair, hormones, and even surgery in some cases are all changes that can be seen as someone redefines themself. But one crucial factor that is often...

Celebrating a fresh start

For most of us, Jan. 1 is warmly embraced with champagne, glitter, and a long list of resolutions. Our boisterous New Year’s Eve celebrations are (usually) followed by a day spent in bed, eating fast food, and attempting to cure the hangover induced by our...

Club Q+A: Economics Club

When did you decide to start the Economics Club? Sean Thomas: The club started two years ago, but it was very preliminary, and we only had one speaker event. A lot of us had the same class together on economic issues, and we got excited about this idea. How was the...

Recipe: Homemade perogies

The first thing you need to know about making perogies is that you can’t make them alone. Whether you decide to make them for Ukrainian Christmas, Easter, or any other fun occasion, they seem to turn out best when made by many hands and infused with amiable...

Study spot: Iconoclast Coffee Roaster

Finding a good place to study can be difficult, but Iconoclast Coffee Roaster offers a great way to change up your study routine and caffeinate in the process. Located behind Oliver Square, Iconoclast showcases an open space that’s great for extended concentration....

The stress behind the break

The following responsibilities regularly cause university students to pull out their hair: maintaining a decent GPA, completing assignments on time, and trying to keep their heads above water during midterms and final exams. What tends to sucker-punch students,...