MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Andrew Chang comes to MacEwan

On Sept. 24, the communications department hosted Andrew Chang, one of the four anchors of CBC’s The National in Allard Hall. Chang met with a room filled with professional communications and journalism students to open up about the journey that led him to his...

Studying with snacks and zombies

If you’re a night owl, evenings like March 22 were made for you. Late Night at the Library is an event that takes place once a semester to help students get the educational assistance they need if daytime isn’t their thing. Snacks are brought in, librarians are on...

A student hub

Environmentally friendly, natural light, a moss wall, and a welcoming atmosphere. After 12 years of planning, the Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) broke ground on their new building last year. Many of the final details are being decided and...

Allard Hall and MacEwan’s hidden gem

This past year at MacEwan University has been monumental for the institution. It has been named the Year of Celebration, and as the arts programs have moved to our downtown location, two of the university’s three campuses have finally come together. Sure, it was...

City of Angels to open in Allard Hall

From March 21 to 28, City of Angels will be on stage in Allard Hall. MacEwan University’s theatre department has been practising long and hard to produce Larry Gelbart’s musical. Now, as the end of term approaches, the costumes are finalized, the stage is set, and...

Breaking the silence

The MacEwan University Idea and Social Club will collaborate with the MacEwan University Sociology Club, Feminists at MacEwan, and InQUEERies to raise awareness about systemic violence against women by hosting a collective event called Breaking the Silence:...

Talk about abroad: A chat with Viktoria Horvat

Viktoria Horvat, a fourth-year BCom student who studied for a term at Nagoya Gakuin University in Japan sat down with Tyler Cantwell from the Education Abroad team at MacEwan International to talk about her experience studying abroad. From language barriers to new...

Method over madness

When we think of research, we usually picture someone in a white coat, peering over a laboratory counter and into a microscope. The title “researcher” evokes the image of a lone scientist on a mission to find some sort of quantitative data that will conclude what...

In review of Love and Information

Love and Information is not a typical play, and MacEwan University’s theatre production took the atypical to a whole new level. The pre-show started with a gas mask-wearing, ukulele-playing singer ushering the audience into the theatre lab. Inside, there were...

Bridging communities with TEDx

While Student Research Day is celebrated annually at MacEwan University, faculty research often goes unnoticed. This year, however, TEDxMacEwanU gave faculty members the opportunity to shine a light on their research while sharing innovative thinking with the...

MacEwan University’s PASS Program

The Physical Activity for Student Success (PASS) Program helps bridge the gap between mental and physical wellness. The goal of the program, according to MacEwan University Sport and Wellness’ informational brochure, is to use physical activity as a coping strategy...

Club Q + A: United Nations Club

When was the UN Club created? Micheal Ziegler: It was created in 1993 as an initiative of both students and Dr. Mensah, a political science faculty advisor. The original idea was to create a class, which had to start out as a club first to show the university that...

Going green at MacEwan University

As July approaches, many Canadians are starting to think about the impending cannabis legislation and how it will shape our society. Universities are no different, and as the date of implementation nears, the discussion is becoming louder regarding what changes may...

Welcoming Love and Information to MacEwan’s stage

Love and Information premieres Wednesday, Jan. 31, and runs until Saturday, Feb. 10, in Allard Hall. The show features an ensemble cast of 22 actors and is said to feature over 100 characters. “One hundred is just a base representation.... It’s not like we want the...

Their rightful voice

When people think about a transgender individual’s transition, they often think about the physical aspects. Clothing, hair, hormones, and even surgery in some cases are all changes that can be seen as someone redefines themself. But one crucial factor that is often...