MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Parking at MacEwan hurts my wallet

My dad sold his white Toyota Corolla—Sports edition, of course—to me when I first moved to Edmonton to attend MacEwan because I was unable to afford a vehicle. A nice gesture. He told me that if you take care of your car, your car will take care of you. I won’t lie; I have misused my car at times, but I've made sure to keep my car safe. One such way is to park my car somewhere close when I’m on campus.  Edmonton is a city where driving is almost a necessity. While Toronto, the most populated city in Canada, covers an area of 630 square kilometres, Edmonton is larger at 783 square kilometres. It’s therefore no surprise that downtown Edmonton is filled with parking lots. In the last year, for instance, the City of Edmonton found...

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Fair on campus

MacEwan University celebrated its Fair Trade Campus designation on April 19, 2017, adding to the school’s growing repertoire of sustainability initiatives. The designation makes MacEwan the...

A new hand at the helm

“It’s a new day — absolutely a new day,” says Michelle Plouffe, MacEwan University’s vice-president, general counsel, and compliance officer. “I’m just tickled.” That day dawned on July 1 when...

Breaking ground

Dozens gathered on Friday morning at the Christenson Family Centre (Building 8) for a groundbreaking ceremony for a new building at MacEwan University’s City Centre Campus.   The new...

Big Bands play a fine farewell to CFAC

On Monday, April 3, at 7:30 p.m., the Big Band show rounded out MacEwan Music Month, a month-long event that went on over the course of March and into the start of April. The show was directed by...

The return of Simon and Milo

This Friday, the band Prozzäk will be playing a show at The Ranch Roadhouse as part of the tour for their newest album, Forever 1999. As a way of helping up-and-coming local artists get their...

Paying for experience

Whether the thought of interning in your field of study is nerve-wracking or exciting, field placement is a requirement for several diploma and degree programs at MacEwan University. Forms of...

Closed passage

As part of the construction process for the new Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) building at MacEwan University’s City Centre Campus, certain areas of the school will be...

Taking the bulls by 
the horns

Whether it’s a birthday party for a sibling or a conference for hundreds of students, the time and energy that goes into organizing events and initiatives can be nearly endless. For activist and...

Active participation

Two years ago, Amorena Bartlett sat outside of Griffins Landing for a meet-and-greet with students’ council candidates. The fall election was a week away, and she had stopped by to get a sense of...

Sept 2024
