MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Is Yegwave a news thief?

Is Yegwave a news thief?

Yegwave’s content is identical to multiple journalists’ work In August 2020, COVID-19 was causing panic, and a new Edmonton-focused Instagram page was thriving. Yegwave had just hit the 20,000-follower mark and posted a video thanking its audience for the support. The...
Civic Youth Fellowship

Civic Youth Fellowship

How Edmonton is shaping tomorrow by investing in today’s youth Many students struggle to find work after graduating due to a lack of experience and connections in their chosen industry.  It’s rare for students to work a job during their studies that is related to...
Encampment sweeps: A cruel reality

Encampment sweeps: A cruel reality

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine the following: you have fallen on hard times and have now lost everything — your job, education, housing, and your family and friend’s support. Where and who do you turn to? Perhaps a homeless shelter for the night or a forest...
Houselessness is our problem

Houselessness is our problem

Reigniting our empathy in the face of winter It’s Jan. 20, 2024. As the winter gets frostier by the day, I can’t help but think about one of our most vulnerable populations. Standing outside for 10 minutes waiting for the bus feels like an eternity. Wind strips...