MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Work out from the comfort of your home

Work out from the comfort of your home

It’s hard enough to stay motivated during the cold of Edmonton’s winters, and now that we’ve been confined to online classes for the last month, it can be challenging to find the motivation to leave the house to go to the gym.  Thankfully, there are plenty of...
A message for Edmonton drivers

A message for Edmonton drivers

There is no doubt that the cold spell in Edmonton has created catastrophic road conditions. From freezing rain, to blizzards, to black ice, a simple commute to work has become a battle on a skating rink. I often catch my car sliding on the uncleared roads downtown and...
Day Trip: Rabbit Hill Snow Resort

Day Trip: Rabbit Hill Snow Resort

Winters can be hard to get through in Alberta because of their length and bitter cold (especially this year!), and in my opinion, winter sports can make all the difference. I remember my favourite days in elementary school gym class were every winter when we would...
Does virtual trump in-person?

Does virtual trump in-person?

I hesitate to write the first line of this article because I fear that I may be perceived as tone-deaf to the plight of persons struggling with the increased reliance on technology to communicate. The sterile and, in extreme cases, isolating feeling that comes from...
What love actually looks like

What love actually looks like

Valentine’s Day may have originated to commemorate St. Valentine or “Christianize” the Roman celebration Lupercalia, but capitalism has taken the idea and run with it. Hallmark christens February “Lovuary,” and they release a barrage of loved-up movie fluff, as well...