MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Parking at MacEwan hurts my wallet

My dad sold his white Toyota Corolla—Sports edition, of course—to me when I first moved to Edmonton to attend MacEwan because I was unable to afford a vehicle. A nice gesture. He told me that if you take care of your car, your car will take care of you. I won’t lie; I have misused my car at times, but I've made sure to keep my car safe. One such way is to park my car somewhere close when I’m on campus.  Edmonton is a city where driving is almost a necessity. While Toronto, the most populated city in Canada, covers an area of 630 square kilometres, Edmonton is larger at 783 square kilometres. It’s therefore no surprise that downtown Edmonton is filled with parking lots. In the last year, for instance, the City of Edmonton found...

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Studying with snacks and zombies

If you’re a night owl, evenings like March 22 were made for you. Late Night at the Library is an event that takes place once a semester to help students get the educational assistance they need...

From One Tree Hill to American Drifter

Chad Michael Murray was in the Heart of the Robbins on Friday, March 23, as a part of the Students’ Association of MacEwan University’s (SAMU) Speaker Series. The actor, best known for his role...

The burden of buying books

There are a lot of reasons some modern university students are choosing not to purchase textbooks. The books are expensive, heavy, and often not used enough in class to justify the purchase, and...

Food for thought

People have always had a complex relationship with food. Today, food is usually consumed in between classes, while running from one meeting to the next, or when driving home from a long day. We...

Inside Edmonton’s industries

After years of study, many university graduates share the same dream — that is, to receive a degree and relocate to another city. A city that promises a better nightlife, more exciting...

A student hub

Environmentally friendly, natural light, a moss wall, and a welcoming atmosphere. After 12 years of planning, the Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) broke ground on their new...

Club Q + A: MacEwan Improv Club

An improvised interview with two club executives, Danny Batraki and Ciorstadh Reid. When was the club founded? Danny Batraki: It was founded between eight and 10 years ago. There was a group of...

Sept 2024
