MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Empowered play: The role of consent in Larping

CONTENT WARNING: Mentions of sexual abuse; Originally published on November 1, 2024. Outside of the Halloween holiday, costumes and cosplay have become an integral part of the geek community. But no matter who, or what, people choose to represent, a common thread...

October Newsbites

Originally published on October 1, 2024 Over 650 NARCAN Nasal Spray doses distributed to attendees of Fall Fest 2024 Rebecca-Lynn Reeves Central Point Pharmacy distributed over 650 doses of NARCAN nasal spray during this year’s Fall Fest. SAMU hosted Fall Fest...

OPINION: Denormalize Sexual Assault

Starting the conversation on sexual assault on campus Reader discretion is advised Imagine that you’re walking through the hallways after finishing your six-to-nine class. As you walk towards the dimly lit parkade, a dark figure creeps behind you. They’re watching...

OPINION: What can you do with $120?

Sports and Wellness Center fee waived for Winter 2024 Everywhere students look, something has changed for the worse. Costs are going up by the minute. Getting a drink at any bar costs upward of six dollars, some bars spanning  $20 for a single shot of malt...

The Hybridization of MacEwan Classes

On Oct. 19,  Annette Trimbee, the president and vice-chancellor of MacEwan University addressed the importance of place in MacEwan’s future. During the address, Trimbee was asked about how MacEwan plans to deal with increased space constraints on campus in...

No way for MBAs

Sorry, Commerce students — looks like you’re gonna have to go elsewhere for your masters Bachelor of commerce students have opportunities to advance in their business careers through a variety of majors such as operational management or supply chain management....

Photo by Shelby Mandin

Shrinkflation and MacEwan

Photo by Shelby Mandin Companies have been affected by the inflation of the economy and have taken to reducing the volume of products rather than continuously increasing prices. Some products have decreased in quantity but their prices have continued to go up....