Nathan Poon Nathan Poon does not want to be a laissez-faire leader. His approach to leadership is having a strong team by his side as he elbows his way into important conversations with MacEwan so that students have a presence when decisions concerning student support are being made. He sat down with us to chat about his platform after just getting back from a model United Nations event in Calgary where he was pulling all-nighters. So when we talked to him, his platform was a bit hard to pin point, but it boils down to four main points: affordability, accessibility, organizational accountability, and support for students. Two years ago, Nathan Poon ran an unsuccessful campaign for SAMU’s vice-president (academic). Despite...
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March 2025
Correction: In the Feb. 19, 2025 students’ council meeting article, vice-president (student life) was incorrectly titled vice-president (student finance).