MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

I love (the idealized online version of) you: The perfect dating app, according to a high-maintenance contributor

The day before I turned 18, Tinder banned me from signing up for their app. Fair play to them; I was testing the waters and didn’t adhere to their guidelines. But I digress. I was no stranger to dating apps. The key takeaway from wanting to use dating apps was to, ‘Find love.’ It took a change in my Hinge location to London, a man who was oblivious to the failures of Alberta’s education system, and a failed first date at the Tansen Izakaya restaurant on Whyte Ave to realize that maybe I had high expectations for dating as a whole. Or, I had high expectations when looking at the profile of every man I swiped left or right on. I scoured the love apps for you, looked through profiles on Bumble, Hinge and OkCupid and wondered, “What are...

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Deadmonton 2019

This year’s theme of Edmonton’s scariest haunted house, Deadmonton, is The New Dark Ages. It is a post-apocalyptic world in which humanity is struggling to save what’s left of civilization. The...

Mary Jane what, son?

No, this isn’t about Spider-Man’s love interest. On Oct. 17, 2018, marijuana was legalized for recreational use on a national level. According to Statistics Canada, “about 4.6 million or 15...

Club Q+A: Climate Justice MacEwan

What are your roles within the student group? Celina Vipond: Not everyone has super-defined roles yet, because this is actually our first running semester, but basically my job is to give...

Edmonton’s Prop Museum

You could take your date to another movie — not a bad option if you snag one of the Cineplex Great Escape packages from the Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) — but if...

Which witch?

Once upon a time, calling oneself a witch was a dangerous business. From the Spanish Inquisition to the Salem witch trials, openly identifying as a witch comes with a rich history of...

How to vote

Monday, Oct. 21 is Canada’s upcoming federal election. It’s an exciting time for those who have voted before or are passionate about politics, but for first timers or those unfamiliar with...

Halloween guide

‘Tis the season to get your spooky groove on with many of Edmonton’s fun-filled nights of Halloween. So, whether you’re looking for a bone-chilling night that’ll make the Sanderson Sisters proud...

Creative Spotlight

Lauren Crazybull is a local Blackfoot/Dene visual artist who is known as a mentor for at-risk youth in the Edmonton community. Through her artwork, Crazybull conveys the complexities of living as...

Movie review: The Glass Castle

The Glass Castle is a movie based on a memoir by Jeannette Walls. Walls (Brie Larson) and her three siblings (as adults, the characters are played by Sarah Snook, Josh Caras, and Brigette...

Feb 2025

Clarification: In the print UPASS story in the Feb. issue of the Griff, it was written that the Edmonton Student Alliance was involved in negotiations with ETS. While ESA members were present, the ESA was not involved in negotiations, but are involved in ongoing advocacy.


