MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Bringing some colour to the area

Most people living in the Jasper Place area would not draw similarities between their neighbourhood and the urban metropolis of London. The Jasper Place region has, unfortunately, been excluded from much of the art and culture scene in Edmonton. Moreover, an alley...

Nuit Blanche lit up the downtown core

Nuit Blanche Edmonton lit up the city last weekend, marking the first in (hopefully) a long line of artistic events to take over the downtown core. Featuring over 30 exhibits, including some from Yoko Ono as well as local artists, the festival brought a charge of...

Mapping Canada’s Arctic seafloor

While waiting in line for the Starbucks coffee that she deemed vital for helping her through a long day on campus, Anna Pieńkowski animatedly discussed the ArcticNet-funded project that she and her research team are embarking on. Pieńkowski is a slight, fair-haired...

Nuit Blanche

Insomniacs, prepare yourselves for another all-nighter. Rather, prepare yourselves for a sleepless evening occupied by a phantasmagoria of food, festivities, and works of art that might have you convinced you're dreaming. Nuit Blanche, a French idiom meaning a...