MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.


Nathan Poon Nathan Poon does not want to be a laissez-faire leader. His approach to leadership is having a strong team by his side as he elbows his way into important conversations with MacEwan so that students have a presence when decisions concerning student support are being made.  He sat down with us to chat about his platform after just getting back from a model United Nations event in Calgary where he was pulling all-nighters. So when we talked to him, his platform was a bit hard to pin point, but it boils down to four main points: affordability, accessibility, organizational accountability, and support for students.  Two years ago, Nathan Poon ran an unsuccessful campaign for SAMU’s vice-president (academic). Despite...

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Up + Downtown Music Festival is an Edmonton-made initiative that brings venues in the city’s core together for a holiday-weekend extravaganza. With an array of music genres offered throughout the...

Club Q+A: Hip Hop Club

When did you decide to begin a hip hop club at MacEwan? Quinton Wong: The club was started in 2015, so two years ago. The club was only 24 people to start with, but it doubled last year. It...

A better future for nursing students

Nursing students in Canada may finally be presented with an opportunity already afforded to numerous other faculties: paid final practicums. For many years, medical and engineering students have...

Climbing down the ivory tower

Science has long been called an “ivory tower,” a discipline that you either have the knack for or don’t. With myriad concepts and terminology coming with the territory, the world of science can...

Keeping it close to home

Alberta is often recognized for its prairies and rolling Rocky Mountains. The mix of smooth and jagged landscapes allows artists to draw inspiration from the place so many of us call home. Who...

Language as community

Kihêw waciston, meaning “eagle’s nest” in Cree, offers a safe space for the exploration of indigenous culture at MacEwan University. The indigenous centre organizes events for students of all...

Recipe: Irish brew stew

Being an adult student is hard. Not only do we have to put a large amount of effort into our studies, but many of us come home after a long day at school and need to feed ourselves. Getting home...

How-to: Save money

Alright, so you want to save some of that hard-earned cash, and you’re wondering how to go about it. You’re also hoping to do it in a way that still allows you to enjoy university life. Don’t you...

March 2025

Correction: In the Feb. 19, 2025 students’ council meeting article, vice-president (student life) was incorrectly titled vice-president (student finance).

