MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Is Alberta the Texas of Canada? 

WTF does that even mean? Is Alberta Canada’s Texas? The Griff is fixin’ to answer the question, so hold your horses. At some point, we’ve all heard someone relate ‘Berta to our southern neighbour state. However, what people say in their comparisons between ‘Berta and Texas is not always the same, or clear. So, what’s so gall darn similar ‘bout ‘em anyho?? Well, there are some obvious similarities: both have large oil and gas industries, large land masses, industrialized beef cattle production, and lean rightward politically. A while back… The old news, like a cowpoke's boots from the 90s, is Texan colonial history (not to mention U.S. colonial history), which has been romanticized and mythologized in Hollywood and American culture in...

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Customer Service and the Student Life

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“Heathers” musical a hit

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Jan 2024  

CORRECTION: Varun Chandrasekar’s name was mispelled in the article “Is Alberta micromanaging its universities?” We regret the error.

CORRECTION: The photo of Simar Nayar’s BMW 335is is misattributed. The photo is by Leo, or @flickz.lp on Instagram. We apologize for the error.

