MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

A new era for The Griff

A new era for The Griff

To me, September always signifies a time of rebirth. I know that it’s contradictory to the season’s symbolism as the dying days before our long winter, but I think of autumn as a fresh start. I guess I’ve been a student for too long! In fall 2011, just after I had...
Bicycle commuting 101

Bicycle commuting 101

My journey began at 7:30 a.m. with a gust of wind directly to the face as I cruised down Connors Hill on my two-wheeler. It’s amazing how easily the frigid air instantly wakes you up. After cutting through a trail by the Muttart Conservatory, followed by a grassy hill...
A way of life

A way of life

Your alarm goes off for the third time. You’re officially running late. You hurry through your morning routine, cursing the snooze button and cramming your face full of toast as you dress. You don’t know when the bus will come, but it will either be early...
In the shadow of development

In the shadow of development

Downtown Edmonton is in a state of upheaval. Roads are littered with neon signage pushing cars into single lanes. Pedestrians walk through covered passageways, occasionally peeking through crude holes to see the scaffolding that lies behind the barriers. New buildings...
Mapping Canada’s Arctic seafloor

Mapping Canada’s Arctic seafloor

While waiting in line for the Starbucks coffee that she deemed vital for helping her through a long day on campus, Anna Pieńkowski animatedly discussed the ArcticNet-funded project that she and her research team are embarking on. Pieńkowski is a slight, fair-haired...