MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

What’s a city to do?

Edmonton City Council joined a number of other Canadian municipalities on Aug. 27 of this year by voting in favour of declaring that the dangers of climate change constitute an emergency. The motion was passed with 10 councillors in favour and three opposed, and...

My Heart Will Bolo On

Alliances. Clubs. Societies. Peer programs. What- ever you call them — here at MacEwan University we go with student groups — they’re an integral part of the student experience. For three consecutive years, and an untold period of time during our newspaper stage,...

Temporal adaptation to MacEwan University

My Septembers at MacEwan University have changed drastically during my four years as a student. It took time, patience, and work to adapt to the new environment. This year was my fourth and last September at MacEwan and I can say that the biggest difference between...

Textbooks: the other tuition

Next to tuition, textbooks may very well be the biggest cost of post-secondary education. This is not surprising to anyone, especially not students. The reality is these high costs for books have been a concern for so long that it has become a fact of life....

Learn English through singing

When it comes to learning a second language, there isn’t a one-size-fits-all method. At MacEwan University, singing is a dynamic approach used in the Pronunciation II class that makes learning English incredibly easy for students.  Learning a new language is...

Faces of MacEwan

It’s 1 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 16. The school has been back in full swing for almost two weeks, and the bar on campus at MacEwan University is buzzing. Tables are covered in textbooks, laptops and half-full glasses of beer as students meet to collaborate on projects,...

The cost of education

According to a 2015 study by the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA), the average cost of tuition and compulsory fees for an Albertan undergraduate student had increased by 170 per cent since the academic year of 1993-94 — after accounting for inflation....

Financial survival

Everyone’s experience with post-secondary education is different. For some, the undergrad years are the best years of their lives, and for others, getting a degree can be an outright traumatic ordeal. Whether good or bad, one unifying aspect of the university...

The right stuff

When Geneve Champoux, Manager of Student Success Services, first started working at MacEwan University in 2007, the Writing Centre did not exist. There were no cozy couches on which to complete one’s homework, no long desk with computer access, no...

Campus food on demand

StudentsEat is an on-campus food delivery service that delivers food available from campus vendors to any student or faculty member’s exact location. MacEwan University students Sagar Dasaur and Ismail Khalil came up with the concept last year when they were on...

Exploring SAMU’s Executive Committee

Every year, the approach of spring marks an exciting time for student politics at MacEwan University — the Executive Committee (EC) election. The Executive Committee of the Students’ Association of MacEwan University (SAMU) is a governing body comprised of five...

Knowing the past to shape the future

2019 marks the first year MacEwan University will be hosting a Black History Month celebration. According to Yonae Rolle, the lead administrator for the event, “it is only fitting that the inaugural celebration of Black History Month at MacEwan is held in 2019,”...

Ambassador program looking for interested students

Applications for the MacEwan Ambassador program open in March, and students are encouraged to apply early.   The Ambassador program is a leadership program based on volunteer service.  Students are engaged on campus and with the community for 40 hours a year,...

9 to 5 at MacEwan

  Each year, MacEwan University’s Theatre Arts and Theatre Production programs work together to create two full-scale productions that are staged, one each term, in the Triffo Theatre in Allard Hall, and one smaller production that is performed in the Hall’s...

The SMHeartCard: An ambulance in your pocket

The SMHeartCard (pronounced like “smart card”) is a new, portable method of carrying around medication to be used in the event of cardiac chest pain and heart attack. It is essentially what an EpiPen is to anaphylactic shock. Colin Blais, a nursing student at...