MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Recipe: Homemade ice cream

Recipe: Homemade ice cream

Ice cream is a versatile snack of the ages. With tasting notes varying from earthy mellow flavours like matcha to teeth-busting sweet flavours like dulce de leche, there might be no flavour profile this dessert can’t adopt and, dare I say, elevate. What’s better, it’s...
Day Trip: The Aga Khan Garden

Day Trip: The Aga Khan Garden

Have you ever wanted to escape the grey of the buildings downtown but you don’t quite want to make the drive out to the mountains? Do you ever just need a place where you can reflect and take a breath? Well, look no further. Just 15 minutes outside the city limits...
Review: The Tomorrow War

Review: The Tomorrow War

In the inevitable lull of summer TV programming, I did what any bored university student with no homework and way too much time on their hands would do: I went content surfing. This is where I came across The Tomorrow War and ended up on a 138-minute sci-fi action...
Creative Spotlight: Gabrielle DeGouw

Creative Spotlight: Gabrielle DeGouw

Gabrielle deGouw is a self-proclaimed lantern addict. Ever since she saw the lanterns at the Quarter’s Arts Spring Equinox Parade about seven years ago, she’s been hooked. They may just be wire, paper, and a few light bulbs, but they’re magical. “I’ve been addicted...