MacEwan University’s student publication. Honest reporting, quality media, and good vibes.

Parking at MacEwan hurts my wallet

My dad sold his white Toyota Corolla—Sports edition, of course—to me when I first moved to Edmonton to attend MacEwan because I was unable to afford a vehicle. A nice gesture. He told me that if you take care of your car, your car will take care of you. I won’t lie; I have misused my car at times, but I've made sure to keep my car safe. One such way is to park my car somewhere close when I’m on campus.  Edmonton is a city where driving is almost a necessity. While Toronto, the most populated city in Canada, covers an area of 630 square kilometres, Edmonton is larger at 783 square kilometres. It’s therefore no surprise that downtown Edmonton is filled with parking lots. In the last year, for instance, the City of Edmonton found...

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Film review: Shin Godzilla

On Oct. 12, Hideaki Anno’s Shin Godzilla screened at the Scotiabank theatre in West Edmonton Mall and will have additional screenings on Oct. 19 and Oct. 24. The Godzilla franchise has had a...

Grad fair shines light on new futures

Graduate Studies. The mere concept brings to mind images of both grandeur and immense suffering. For most students, the workload of an undergraduate degree is more than enough without thoughts of...

Free textbooks may be a new reality

There’s always that moment at the start of each semester when you discover the number of required and optional textbooks for each class that you will be attending, and within that moment is the...

SAMU Students’ Council poster roaster

Ah, it's that time of year again. Posters all over the walls at City Centre Campus. Candidates visiting CFAC for the first time, just to throw their face all over the (very little) space for...

The new bands of UP+DT

With Rogers Place opening its doors in September, it felt like Edmonton’s downtown revitalization had taken its first major step. But the revitalization wouldn’t be where it is today if it...

Turning a new leaf

A number of years ago, what was then Grant MacEwan College had few food options. Subway and Burger King were the premier choices, especially during the winter months when the weather sucks and...

Brave renewable world

“The day of making money in oil and gas is over,” said Ken Harbeck, a project management office coordinator at MacEwan University. “It’s over. It’s history.” In a province where the petroleum...

A wandering man

Downtown Edmonton has become an increasingly vibrant community. Rogers Place is just the latest revitalizing tool meant to transform the city centre into a world-class area for Edmontonians to...

Sept 2024
